About me

I am Trudi. Welcome to ‘Growing Room Counselling and Supervision Services.’ I am a qualified counsellor and supervisor of counselling and I am looking forward to working together with you. 

I began my counselling training whilst working with people who had been bereaved and who were feeling isolated. I saw their struggles but did not feel confident to help them  effectively or how to manage the impact of their stories on me. 

I am a parent and a daughter of aging parents, a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and have  experience of my own bereavement and living with long-term health issues.

At times when living through  challenging and formative life experiences, I have not felt ‘heard’. As well as my training, my experiences in my work and home life combined to  help me learn to actively listen with empathy and without judgement, putting my agenda to one side. I learnt to give space and focus to the emotional, psychological needs of the other person and I am ready to do this for you.

when you are in psychological distress and someone really hears you without passing judgment on you, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mold you, it feels damn good! …

It has permitted me to bring out the frightening feelings, the guilts, the despair, the confusions that have been a part of my experience. When I have been listened to and when I have been heard, I am able to re-perceive my world in a new way and to go on.’ (Rogers, 1964)*

I qualified in counselling in February 2018 after 4 years of initial  training, which I have continued with further training in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and the NICE-approved therapy, PCE-CfD (Person-centred experiential counselling for depression). I qualified in counselling supervision in 2024.

I am an Accredited and Registered Counsellor, a member of BACP British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (bacp.co.uk) - the UK’s biggest professional membership body for counsellors and psychotherapists.


Counsellors participate in regular clinical supervision as a means of supporting ethical, effective and sustainable practice.

Counsellors explore (anonymously) with their supervisor the work they are undertaking with clients and reflect on the impact they have on the client and the client has on them, for instance.


Work experience

I have worked as part of counselling charities, such as 3 different local Minds and a women’s counselling service. I coordinated a Macmillan Cancer Counselling service. I am also a qualified and experienced tutor of counselling (I’ve taught counselling at levels 2, 3 and level 4 diploma). I am currently an NHS Talking Therapies counsellor, as well as having a private practice.


Counselling Service

I currently offer counselling:

  • via telephone or video call  

  • short term  (8 sessions or fewer)

  • longer term counselling (ongoing sessions with reviews.) We will regularly review together how the counselling is working for you and agree to continue working together or how to work towards an ending. 

‘Powerful is our need to be known, really known, by ourselves and others, even if only for a moment.’

(Rogers, 1964)*

*Carl Rogers was the founder of Person-centred Counselling