Why Supervision?
"Supervision is essential to how practitioners sustain good practice throughout their working life.
Supervision provides practitioners with regular and ongoing opportunities to reflect in depth about all aspects of their practice in order to work as effectively, safely and ethically as possible.
Supervision also sustains the personal resourcefulness required to undertake the work." (BACP, 2018)
I support fellow counsellors to :
- be able to offer their best service to their clients
- maintain their own psychological wellbeing
- develop themselves as professionals
- develop themselves as individuals
- feel safe to be vulnerable and honest - celebrating what is working and exploring areas for development and additional support
- review their work holistically , ethically, professionally
- offer guidance and appropriate challenge
Supervision Location
I’m based in Greater Manchester, providing predominantly remote (video or telephone) supervision to counsellors working with adults. If face-to-face supervision is required, please contact me to discuss this.
Supervision fees
I have decided upon costs based on my experience, time, running costs (including Supervision of Supervision, PLI insurance, Zoom subscription, ICO) and my level of experience as a counsellor and supervisor.
Why supervision with me?
Through supervision I believe supervisee and supervisor collaborate on a shared learning and development journey. We both may reflect more deeply and from different view points, on our own counselling practice and the possibilities of supervision, for the benefit of the clients we work with.
I would love to explore beginning a new professional relationship with you as my supervisee, so you may learn together with me, whilst being supported and developed by an experienced practitioner, as I give my the focus to your practice and your processing.
I believe it is essential we work towards bringing our whole authentic selves to supervision and as such I strive to create a space in which you feel comfortable to share successes and areas of concern or confusion. I am confident we can have light-hearted, humorous moments together, as well as times where I may offer you some challenge and suggestions for change. I bring my sense of humour, warmth, humility, reflective nature to the mix of our relationship and am ready to adapt my approach and style to what you are wanting and needing.
Our work together will be underpinned by two well-known models for supervision:
Inskipp and Proctor's Functional Model of Supervision (1993) and Hawkins and Shohet's Seven Eyed Process Model (2000.)
How often should supervision take place?
Please see BACP's information for the different recommendations or requirements of counsellors, depending on if you are an accredited counsellor or wishing to work towards accreditation and also considering caseloads.
BACP’s requirements for supervision hours per month:
‘I find it very satisfying when I can be real, when I can be close to whatever it is that is going on within me.
I like it when I can listen to myself. To really know what I am experiencing in the moment is by no means an easy thing, but I feel somewhat encouraged because I think that over the years I have been improving at it.
I am convinced, however, that it is a lifelong task and that none of us ever is totally able to be comfortably close to all that is going on within our own experience.’ (Rogers, 1964)
My experience as a practitioner
Since completing my counselling training, I’ve 8 years’ experience counselling in NHS settings, charities and in private practice. I am qualified to Level 6 in Counselling Supervision.
My areas of special interest and extensive practice include:
- long term health conditions
- counselling clients with cancer
- bereavement, grief and other losses
- depression, self-esteem, self-criticism
- identity issues (gender, sexuality, role, purpose)
- adjustments to changes in life stages (including aging, parenting, employment) and losses (including retirement, breakdown of relationships).
I’m BACP Accredited and qualified in CBT (level 5) but predominantly I’m person-centred at heart, trained in NICE-approved modality of PCE- CfD and I am a qualified tutor of counselling.
‘A person cannot teach another person directly: a person can only facilitate another’s learning.’ (Rogers, 1951)
Our supervision may be your primary supervision or in addition to other supervision (for instance to focus on a specific client group or area of your practice that you feel your other supervisor is less suited to; or for an interim period while your main supervisor is on a break from their practice or for accreditation applications.)
Accreditation Support
An area of special interest to me is offering focused support with applications for BACP Accreditation. This process can be daunting and you may feel you can benefit from the accountability of scheduled sessions with me, to help you apply your practice to the specifics of the criteria, so you feel more confident and clear about your submission. If expressing yourself in the written form is a challenge for you or if your inner critic is limiting your belief in yourself to become an accredited practitioner, I have the experience, commitment, patience and enthusiasm to guide you through this.
‘To be with another in this [empathic] way means that for the time being, you lay aside your own views and values in order to enter another’s world without prejudice.
In some sense it means that you lay aside your self; this can only be done by persons who are secure enough in themselves that they know they will not get lost in what may turn out to be the strange or bizarre world of the other, and that they can comfortably return to their own world when they wish.’ (Rogers, 1980)
Working Together:
Please get in touch if you would like to speak with me before deciding to commit to working with me.
Before we begin working together, I offer free Introductory Session (up to 30 minutes) to get a sense of how good a ‘fit’ we are and so we may explore:
how we may work together
what I can offer you
your previous experience of supervision, your current client group, your expectations of supervision
our availability
Weekday evenings and Saturday mornings.
If you’d like to in find out more about working together, please get in touch by emailing me.
Email: trudithecounsellor@gmail.com
My work experience:
counselling via a range of media (video, telephone and face-to-face)
Person-centred modality at the core of my practice
counselling within charities, NHS and private practice settings
accredited with BACP
qualified tutor of counselling, taught level 2 to level 4 diploma
line-managing placement and qualified counsellors
Prior to qualifying as a counsellor:
Stay-at-home-parent, Museum Educator, Volunteers’ Management in the Third Sector, working with older people, people with dementia and people who have visual impairments, Housing Support for people living with severe and enduring mental ill health and in Community Engagement for the Fire Service and Ambulance Service